Archiv für the alaska fund trust

Alaska schläft…

Posted in MendWatch with tags , on August 30, 2009 by mendweg

Nanu? Jetzt ist die kleine Sarah endlich nicht mehr im Amt, aber anscheinend hat es noch niemand im Freundeskreis gemerkt? So kann man unter weiter fleissig in einen Spendentopf Geld werfen, der dazu dient die arme Governeuse vor bösen Angriffen zu schützen – also jeden zu verklagen der was Böses sagt:

„The Alaska Fund Trust is the official legal fund created to defend the integrity of the Alaska Governor’s Office from an onslaught of political attacks launched against current Governor Sarah Palin, the First Family, and state-employed colleagues.“

Da muss man doch mal nachfragen:

Dear Mrs. Cole I would be interested to learn, why you still collect money „to defend the integrity of the Alaska Governor’s Office from an onslaught of political attacks launched against current Governor Sarah Palin“ although Mrs. Palin is not anymore Governor since July 26? Thank you very much for your soonest answer. Kind Regards

Sechs Minuten später war schon die Antwort via Blackberry da:

„Thank you for your interest in the Governor. Since the trust is under review, we promised not to touch the website or edit it in any way.  We will be amending it soon.  As you of course know, while she is not the governor of the state right now, her title will forever remain Governor Palin unless she assumes a higher title, just as you would address President Bill Clinton, as president. Thank you, again. Kristan“

Na, was gelernt. Erstens gibt es wohl eine Untersuchung. Und zweitens bleibt man in Amerika was man einmal erreicht hat. Einmal Governor – immer Governor